Internationella tidsskrifter (peer reviewed)
Cumming, J., Cooley, S. J., Anuar, N., Kosteli, M., Quinton, M. L., Weibull, F., & Williams, S. E. (2016). Developing Imagery Ability Effectively: A Guide to Layered Stimulus Response Training. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action.
Böcker och bokkapitel
Weibull, F., Wallsbeck, M, & Almgren, A. (2012). Träna tanken – en bok om mentala föreställningar. Stockholm: SISU idrottsböcker.
Internationella och nationella tidsskrifter och årsböcker (inte peer reviewed)
Wallsbeck, M., & Weibull, F. (2010). Ice hockey players’ voluntary and spontaneous imagery. I M. Lindwall & U. Johnson (red.) Svensk Förenings Årsbok, 17-33.
Wallsbeck, M., & Weibull, F. (2010). A longitudinal study of the development of imagery expereinces. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference Association of Applied Sport Psychology, (p.86). Providance: AASP. (Peer reviewed).
Christensen, L. & Weibull, F. (2010). Elite power lifters’ imagery experiences and deliberate practice. In M. Lindwall & U. Johnson (red.) Svensk Idrottspsykologisk Förenings Årsbok. Laholm: Trydells tryckeri AB.
Weibull, F. (2008). Sharing experiences of working with an elite youth soccer team.In M. Lindwall & U. Johnson (red.). Svensk Idrottspsykologisk Förenings Årsbok,117-128.Laholm: Trydells Tryckeri AB.
Weibull, F. (2007). The individual profile of imagery experiences in tennis: Guidelines for users. In P. Hassmén (Ed.). Svensk Idrottspsykologisk Förenings Årsbok, 92-111. Laholm: Trydells Tryckeri AB.
Dierens, J., De Ridder J, & Weibull, F. (2006). European Master’s in Exercise & Sport Psychology Intensive Course Leipzig 2006. Leipziger Sportwissenschaftliche Beiträge, 47, 2,166-169.
Weibull, F. (2006). An individualized imagery intervention: a case study. In P. Hassmén Ed.). Svensk Idrottspsykologisk Förenings Årsbok, 92-111.Laholm: Trydells Tryckeri AB.
Almgren, A. & Weibull, F. (2005). CBAS – ett sätt att observera tränarens sätt att ge feedback till sina idrottare? In P. Hassmén (Ed.). Svensk Idrottspsykologisk Förenings Årsbok, 12-25. Laholm: Trydells Tryckeri AB.
Abstrakt i conference proceedings
Wallsbeck, M. & Weibull, F. (2010). The development of ice hockey imagery experiences. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference Association of Applied Sport Psychology (pp. 86-87). Salt Lake City, UT: AASP. (Peer reviewed).
Wallsbeck, M., & Weibull, F. (2009). Introducing a new quantitative way of examine imagery experiences in sports. In proceedings of the IV Workshop of the European Network of Young Specialists in Sport Psychology. (ENYSSP), p. 9. Bolzano: ENYSSP.
Jannes, C., Weibull, F., & Sanchez, X. (2008). The European Network of Young Specialists in Sport Psychology: Where we come from, who we are, what we do and where we are heading. Sport & Exercise Psychology Review, 4, 35-38.
Wallsbeck, M. (2010). Refelctions on the ENYSSP workshop in Bolzano, Italy, 6,1. European network of young specialists in sport psychology.
Weibull. F. & Wallsbeck, M. (2009). In proceedings of the IV Workshop of the European Network of Young Specialists in Sport Psychology. (ENYSSP), pp. 47-48. Bolzano: ENYSSP.
Weibull, F. & Wallsbeck, M. (2009). Ice hockey players’ voluntary and spontaneous imagery experiences. In proceedings of the Congre`s International de Psychologie du Sport (CIPS), (p. 39), INSEP, Paris.
Weibull, F. & Johnsson, E. (2010). Elite dressage riders’ imagery experiences. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference Association of Applied Sport Psychology (p. 25). Salt Lake City, UT: AASP: (Peer reviewed).
Weibull, F. (2009). The analytic framework of imagery experiences: A summary of four studies on different sports. Proeedings of the 24th Annual Conference of Applied Sport Psychology (p. 17). Salt Lake City, UT: AASP.
Weibull, F. (2009). Learn and Practice the Individual Profile of Imagery experiences in Sport. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference Association of Applied Sport Psychology (p. 52).Salt Lake City, UTAH: AASP. (Peer reviewed).
Jannes, C., Weibull, F., Sanchez, X. (2009). ENYSSP yesterday and today: History, objectives, structure, membership and services. In Proceedings on CDROM of the ISSP 12th World Congress of Sport Psychology: Meeting New Challenges and Bridging Cultural Gaps in Sport and Exercise Psychology. E., Baria, H.E., Nabli, M., Madani, A., Essiyedal, M., Aragon & E.A, Ouartissi (Eds.). Marakesh, Marocko: International Society of Sport Psychology.
Weibull, F., Johnson, U., & Watt, A.(2009). Psychometric analysis of the Swedish version of the sport imagery ability measure. In Proceedings on CDROM of the ISSP 12th World Congress of Sport Psychology: Meeting New Challenges and Bridging Cultural Gaps in Sport and Exercise Psychology. E., Baria, H.E., Nabli, M., Madani, A. Essiyedal, M., Aragon & E.A, Ouartissi (Eds.). Marakesh, Marocko: International Society of Sport Psychology.
Weibull, F. (2008). Learn and Practice the Individual Profile of Imagery experiences in Sport. Proceedins of the 23rd Annual Conference Association of Applied Sport Psychology (p.22).St. Louis, MO: AASP. (Peer reviewed)
Weibull, F. (2008). One way to develop idiosyncratic imagery scripts. In proceedings of the IV Workshop of the European Network of Young Specialists in Sport Psychology. (ENYSSP), p. 26. Bacerlona: ENYSSP.
Johnson, U., & Weibull, F. (2008). Development of sport psychology in Europe: Through enhanced collaboration between FEPSAC and ENYSSP. In B.A. Carlsson, U. Johnson, K.A. Josefsson, & N. Stambulova (Eds.). Proceedings of the Nordic conference: Health, Participationand Effects of Exercise (p. 45). Centre for Sport and Health Research, Halmstad University, Sweden.
Weibull, F. (2008). Idiosyncratic imagery experiences in tennis: using imagery patterns as an analytic framework. In B.A. Carlsson, U. Johnson, K.A. Josefsson, & N. Stambulova (Eds.). Proceedings of the Nordic conference:Health, Participation and Effects of Exercise (pp. 64-65). Centre for Sport and Health Research, Halmstad University, Sweden.
Weibull, F. (2007).Individual Profile of Imagery Experiences in Tennis: A New Instrument and Its Implications in Research and Applied Settings. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference Association of Applied Sport Psychology (p. 22). Louisville, KY: AASP. (Peer reviewed).
Weibull, F. (2007). Imagery experiences in tennis: A comparison of professional and promising tennis players. In Y. Theodorakis, M. Goudas, & A. Papaioannou (Eds.) Book of abstracts of the 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology (p. 228). FEPSAC publication.
Internationellt och nationellt deltagande i konferenser (presentation av en forskningsposter)
Weibull, F. & Wallsbeck, M. (2009). A study on soccer players using the individual profile of imagery experiences. Research in Imagery and Observation (RIO): Birmingham.
Övriga publikationer (t.ex. nyhetsbrev och publikationer för idrottsförbund).
Wallsbeck, M., Almgren, A., & Weibull, F. (2011). Använd visualisering och prestera bättre. Pharma Industry, 4.
Wallsbeck, M., & Weibull, F. (2010). Ice hockey players’ voluntary and spontaneous imagery. I M. Lindwall & U. Johnson (red.) Svensk Idrottspsykologisk Förenings Årsbok, 17-33.
Johnson, U.,& Weibull, F. (2009). Internationella perspektiv, 2, FLOW: Svensk idrottspsykologisk förening.
Weibull, F. (2008). Den årliga AASP konferensen: The world champions hip in decision making i St Louis , 24-27 September , USA, 2, FLOW: Svensk idrottspsykologisk förening.
Weibull, F. (2008). ENYSSP och årets workshop i Barcelona, 3, FLOW: Svensk idrottspsykologisk förening.
Weibull, F. (2007/2008).Participant reflections on FEPSAC 2007. In T. Statler, & L. Logberg, (Eds.) International Society of Sport Psychology Newlsetter, 17, 2.International Society of Sport Psychology.
Wallsbeck, M., & Weibull, F. (2009). Det mentala verktyget visualisering inom ishockey.
Wallsbeck, M., & Weibull, F. (2010). Psykologi inom ishockey. Vägen till elit 5. Svenska Ishockeyförbundet.
Gästkrönika av Fredrik Weibull i SportGuiden
Artikel av Fredrik Weibull i Lifestylegolf magazine 201
Weibull, F. & Wallsbeck, M (2009). Motionsvisualisering: en forskningsöversikt. Svensk idrottsforskning, 18, 50-52.
Weibull, F., & Wallsbeck, M. (2010). An actor’s imagery experiences. PEM Newsletter.
Weibull, F., & Wallsbeck, M. (2010). Spontan visualisering: hjälpande eller stjälpande? , 2, FLOW: Svensk idrottspsykologisk förening.
Weibull, F. & Wallsbeck, M (2009). Motionsvisualisering: en forskningsöversikt. Svensk idrottsforskning, 18, 50-52.